ISBT-Bowen Therapy Course Coordinators
All the coordinators listed below are also Foundation Course teachers or teachers-in-training. Teachers must also be active ISBT-Bowen Therapists.
The Australian ISBT Team

Lisa Black
Lisa oversees Australian and international coordination and teaches the Advanced Courses in Australia and internationally.
Head Office –
Telephone – 0449 781 714

Frances Walsh
Frances, with over 20 years experience in complementary medicine, next to Lisa and Col, is the longest serving ISBT teacher. She has been working with ISBT-Bowen Therapy since 1999 and coordinates and teaches regional Victorian courses.
Telephone: 0427 688 528

Gary Spencer
Gary, a Remedial Masseur since 1998, Naturopath and ISBT-Bowen Therapist since 2004 is the teacher of Melbourne and Queensland Foundation and Advanced courses.
Telephone: 0430 994 343

Beatriz Martinez
Beatriz has been a qualified ISBT-Bowen Therapist since 2007. She runs a clinic in the Blue Mountains, NSW and is part of the Cancer Wellness Support Centre in Leura. She has a Bachelor of Medical Health Science – qualified in Nutrition and Dietetics. She teaches the Sydney and NSW ISBT Foundation Courses.
Telephone: 0410 516 833